Minutes of the Bolton Tennis League Committee meeting held at 7pm on Wednesday, 9th October 2024 at Lostock Tennis Club.
Present: Messrs. Caswell, Maslivec, Pearson, Ms L Cartwright, Ms S Francis & Ms J Holmes.
Apologies for absence: Messrs. Al-Chalabi, Broughton, Cashmore, Prince, Nuttall, Saunders, Smith, Taylor, Ms K Caldwell, Ms Morley, Ms Perry & Mrs V Browne.
Minutes of the last meeting: These had been circulated and were agreed.
Matters Arising: None.
Correspondence: We had received some from Chorley TC re having to travel long distances in the pouring rain only to find that the match had to be abandoned. It was wondered if a rule could be envisaged to to avoid this, but they could not think of suitable wording.
The Committee sympathised with the situation but did not think a rule could cover every eventuality.
Treasurer: I will be paying the honoraria shortly.
Winter League: The league is now underway, the first two weekends of matches have been played.
Dunlop: I have a very interesting offer on balls from Head. I will be giving Dunlop a chance to respond.
The issue is the suppliers need to know numbers prior to the AGM. I will send clubs the offers before NOM. It would be good if we had a mechanism for clubs to agree on a supplier around NOM time.
Rule Proposals: These were discussed again and minor amendments were made. One still has to be formalised by email.
AOB: None
Date and Time of Next Meeting: The NOM, 7.30pm on Wednesday 13th November.