Minutes of the Bolton Tennis League Committee meeting held at 7pm on Friday 20th September 2024 at Lostock Tennis Club.
Present: Messrs. Al-Chalabi, Caswell, Pearson, Saunders, Smith, Ms K Caldwell, Ms Francis & Ms Morley.
Also present were Julie Holmes and Paul Cashmore and it was agreed they be co-opted onto the Committee. Julie Homes does a lot on the Winter League and Paul Cashmore has been developing a computer program which highlights ineligible players and other errors. A few of the Committee had a meeting with him on Wednesday to view the software’s potential.
Apologies for absence: Messrs. Maslivec, Nuttal & Taylor, Ms Perry, Mrs Browne & Ms Cartwright.
Minutes of the last meeting: These had been circulated and were agreed.
Matters Arising: None
Correspondence: Our existing PA system is now quite old and is starting to produce a background hum. This is gradually increasing in loudness.
I would like the Committee’s agreement to purchase a new one with an upper limit of £350 (probably less). Refurbishment could well cost nearly as much. I will sell the existing one, but don’t expect to get much.
Hire of the system brings in at least £100 per year, more on most years. Next hire is towards the end of October and it would be good to have new one for that.
Andy Taylor, Tournament Referee
It was agreed to go ahead.
Winter League: All teams that took part in the previous season confirmed that they wished to continue in the league. Divisions have therefore been formed and the fixtures circulated to team organisers. With thanks to Roy the fixtures are now on the website but with some training, it is hoped that Vanessa can do this going forward.
With David Lloyd confirming that the court hire charge would be increasing, the match fees have now been increased to £6 per person i.e. £24 per team per match. Without this increase, the match fees collected would no longer cover court hire costs even without the purchase of balls. A reminder will be sent out requesting payment before the matches start on 27th September.
Tournament: We held a post-tournament review meeting on 20th August. The main issues are around succession planning and changes proposed as a result of competitor and committee feedback.
1. Essentially ALL competitors must be available over the first weekend.
2. Handicap matches will continue to have sudden death deuces except at 5 games all when a full deuce will decide the set.
3. An early start will be made to try and attract more sponsorship, targeting local businesses. Ideally, each event should have a sponsor.
4. As suggested, we also plan to trial an additional event in 2025; men‘s over 45 LEVEL singles
I intend to send an email soon to all of this year's entrants giving them the dates for next year’s tournament and informing them of the changes.
Ms Perry.
Treasurer: Costs in general were going up. The high cost of trophy insurance was discussed. It was decided to dispense with the insurance but to put a similar amount at one side in our funds effectively insuring them ourselves.
The guarantee fees have never increased since the era of Treasurer Gordon Ashworth even though the RPI has increased by 50% over the last 10 years. It was proposed that the fee be increased to £32. After discussion, it was agreed that £32 may be seen as too large a jump for one year. It was agreed to increase it from £24 to £28 and perhaps to £32 the year after.
Presentation Evening: The profit on the night was £110 - £120.
Mr Taylor and Mr Saunders have been to look at the Georgian House, Blackrod for next year. The refreshments and drinks will be cheaper. It was agreed to book the venue for the 12th of September 2025.
Making every club buy one or two tickets at team registration was discussed. It was pointed out that this was effectively increasing the guarantee fees from a club's point of view. We would leave this for now as prices were going down. Possible raffle prize logistics were discussed. Bingo was also a possible option, but it was felt the time restrictions would make this difficult.
Proposed Rule changes for 2025: These were Committee proposals at the moment. These were discussed. Two were dropped, another added and another awaits formulation for October.
AOB: None
Date and Time of Next Meeting: 7pm Wednesday 9th October at Lostock TC